Saturday, October 17, 2015

What is Asset Management (part 1 of 2)

What is asset management? It is the investment management of collective investments often offered as a service by portfolio or wealth managers within the context of “private banking” to private investors. Its aim is to provide maximum returns at minimum investment or cost to the client.

The first priority of any asset management team is to identify the company’s assets or resources. The definition of asset can be anything owned by the client in terms of cash, property, goods, savings and investments.

Should this be in a commercial set up, assets will comprise of monetary investments, plants, infrastructure and its human resources. When this has been identified, the team will then check which one is profitable and what isn’t.

If an asset is doing well, then they will leave it be. Just like the line that goes “ if there is nothing wrong with it, why fix it?” However, if a certain asset is not profitable, the asset management team may present options to the client. Should this asset be sold or can this be made into something money generating.

An example could be after evaluating the machines used in the factory, the team will give their assessment if this should be repaired or if this should be replaced. In some cases, buying something new will save the company more money in the long term because you don’t have to worry about looking for spare parts that could already be hard to find.

But these are just tangible resources. Every client also has non-tangible resources that are namely the human resources of the company. People are considered to be non-tangible because the company does not own them but merely employs them.

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